Kiwi Design Knuckle Strap Controller Grips Cover for Meta Quest 3 Review


In this video, I check out the Kiwi Design Knuckle Controller Grips Cover for Meta Quest 3.

You can buy these silicone grips for $23.74 / £19 / €21.95 directly from the Kiwi Design Store ➡️ or from Amazon US ➡️, and Amazon UK ➡️

The Kiwi Design silicone grips were one of the best all-over grips for the Quest 2, and Kiwi Design is back again with a similar grip for the new Meta Quest 3.

With no ring to deal with this time, Kiwi Design has circled the edges of the grip to offer just enough protection to the outer sides of the top portion of the controller, whilst encasing the remaining grip in their soft, yet slightly textured silicone material.

The result is a well-designed, and well-built silicone grip for the Quest 3 controllers, that will protect most areas of your controllers, should you smash them up against objects, or more likely, drop them onto the floor.

Installing the grips takes just a few seconds. You don’t need to remove any part of the controller, and you can continue to wear the stock wrist straps with these grips attached too. But you wouldn’t need to, thanks to the knuckle straps that come pre-attached to the grip.

These nylon straps attach to the grips via black metal rivets and buckles. Neither dig into your skin, at least during short-term play time, yet those with larger hands might do. Kiwi Design positions the knuckle straps slightly lower down the grip than some other brands, which for me, makes these a little more comfortable to hold, with better access to the top stick and face-button controls on the controller.

If access to the battery concerns you, then removing the grip takes less time than putting them, on, so you can have them off and back on in seconds. I am sure we will see battery door versions soon enough, but these will likely cost more and offer one extra thing to go wrong with them.

I didn’t find any issues with tracking with these grips attached to my Quest 3 controllers, so all in all, a great accessory from Kiwi Design here, for the Quest 3. A pair of knuckle straps are highly recommended for VR controllers, so if you’ve just picked up your Quest 3 this Christmas, or you’ve yet to jump in on a pair of grips, then these should be high up on your list.


0:00 – Brief overview
0:40 – Unboxing
0:51 – Installation
1:35 – Features & Design
5:15 – My impressions

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