BOBOVR A2 vs Kiwi Design Audio Strap Headphones for the Meta Quest 2


In this video, I check out the BOBOVR A2 Headphones for the Meta Quest 2. You can buy these headphones for a bargain $69.99 from Amazon US ➡️ or for £89.99 from Amazon UK ➡️ and €89.99 from Amazon DE ➡️

Having had some time with the headphones, I can conclude that these headphones weren’t the best audio solution for the Quest 2, for me. After comparing them to the Kiwi headphones, I found the Kiwi design headphones had punchier bass and it was overall louder than the A2 headphones.

Without any ability to clip the headphones outwards, I always had to fight my way through them when putting on the headset each time, and afterwards, this leads to further adjustment each time I wear them.

I found both its Game sound mode and Standard mode were too similar, and I found it disappointing that the headphones didn’t come with a second USB C port to keep the headphones charged from a battery head strap. The one fundamental issue for me is that the A2 does need to be powered to function, so it becomes yet another accessory that you have to keep charged alongside the Quest 2, a battery strap, and any other battery-powered accessories you may have installed. Luckily its battery life is less impacted when it’s left on by mistake, thanks to an auto-off feature, but the burden of keeping it changed over shadows this helpful feature.

BoboVR has recently released a cheaper A2 Air version that removes the internal battery and apparently it does sound louder, so it feels they have listened to some of these issues and addressed them with the new and much more wallet friendly A2 Air.

Retailing for $69.99, £89.99 or $89.99 on Amazon, the BoboVR A2 headphones do have a lot of positive features. It has one of the best designs that integrate well with the headset and a number of head straps for the Quest 2, and it features lots of ear cup adjustment for it to sit perfectly onto or around your ears if you chose to use the over-ear cups.

The connecting audio strap that sits on top of the headset is just a perfect length, that when rotated inwards will remain close to the headset and blend well enough into the contours of the head strap and facial interface.

Its sound quality is certainly better than the built-in stock speakers of the Quest 2, however, if you’ve heard the Kiwi Audio Head Strap, it is difficult to position the A2 headphones as being superior to them. If form and function are a priority over audio quality, then the BoboVR A2 headphones are a great set of headphones for your Quest 2, which I feel has now been overshadowed by their cheaper, lighter, louder, and self-powering A2 Air headphones.


0:00 – Brief overview
0:39 – Unboxing
0:58 – Kiwi design comparison
1:08 – Installation
2:31 – First–Impressions
5:28 – My impressions

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