Top 10 Oculus Quest Sales Chart – 5 January 2020


Happy New Year! It’s the first week of 2020, and it has been a week’s worth of new Questers downloading their first suite of titles on their shiny new Oculus Quest. Because of this, we’ve seen the Oculus sale titles drop off and the more popular regular titles re-enter this week’s top-selling chart on the Oculus Store.

Let’s look at this week’s top 10 chart positions on the Oculus Quest Store.

Top 10 Selling on Oculus Quest

  1. Beat Saber (1)
  2. SUPERHOT VR (3)
  3. Job Simulator (4)
  4. Pistol Whip (Re-Entry)
  5. New Year’s Pack (New Entry)
  6. The Climb (Re-Entry)
  7. Arizona Sunshine (Re-Entry)
  8. Space Pirate Trainer (9)
  9. Richie’s Plank Experience (Re-Entry)
  10. Gun Club VR (7)

Beat Saber retains its crown at the start of 2020, as some of last week’s discounted titles return to their full price, and as a result, we see the usual suspects that didn’t get discounted, reappear in this week’s chart.

Oculus also released a New Year Pack, featuring an odd mix of ‘new year, new you’ inspired titles for the Quest. Including titles such as fitness app BoxVR, to calm Real VR Fishing and explorer app – Wander – it’s an odd mix, but some users are snapping this pack of discounted titles up. The sale of this pack ends at midnight tonight, so be quick if you want to bulk up your previous festive purchases.

Tune in next Sunday as we look at the movers and shakers of the Oculus Store Top-Selling chart.

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