Top 10 Oculus Quest Sales Chart – 22 September 2019


This week saw new games on the Quest from Wands and Cave Digger: Riches. Out of the two newcomers, it was only Wands who manages to break into the store this week, in at number 6 and we see a new re-entry for Space Pirate Trainer – a game that we will have our review out for this coming week.

Let’s look at this weeks top 10 chart positions on the Oculus Quest Store.

Top 10 Selling on Oculus Quest

  1. Beat Saber (1)
  2. SUPERHOT VR (3)
  3. Vader Immortal: Episode 1 (4)
  4. Drunkn Bar Fight (6)
  5. Real VR Fishing (2)
  6. Wands (New Entry)
  7. Space Pirate Trainer (Re-Entry)
  8. Job Simulator (8)
  9. Drop Dead: Dual Strike Edition (7)
  10. Gun Club VR (9)

With this week’s two new additions, we say goodbye to Elevn Assassin and Red Matter, who both drop out of the chart this week. Making way for a new entry from Wands and re-entry from Space Pirate Trainer. Drunkn Bar Fight continues to baffle with its 4th place spot, and if you saw the chart mid week, it was at 2nd place for a period.

Tune in next Sunday as we look at the movers and shakers of the Oculus Store Top Selling chart.

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