As we finish the third week of 2020, it feels Oculus has lifted its foot off the gas pedal of game releases this year so far. This week we saw app Metaverse and game Fail Factory! release on the Oculus Quest, with the latter making it into this week’s Top-Selling chart on the Quest.
Let’s look at this week’s top 10 chart positions on the Oculus Quest Store.
Top 10 Selling on Oculus Quest
- Beat Saber (1)
- Duo Pack: Red Matter + Sairento (New Entry)
- Fail Factory (New Entry)
- Job Simulator (3)
- Pistol Whip (4)
- Arizona Sunshine (5)
- Gun Club VR (6)
- Richie’s Plank Experience (9)
- The Climb (7)
We are starting to see regular releases lay in their previous week’s positions, shuffled around once or twice when new entries come and go from the chart each week. A new recently released bundle from Oculus has entered into number 2 spot. This bundle offers the sci-fi adventure/puzzle game, Red Matter, and action ninja title, Sariento, at a discounted price.
Tune in next Sunday as we look at the movers and shakers of the Oculus Store Top-Selling chart.