The guys at UploadVR uncovered some information about setting up the Guardian on the Rift S as well as the introductory tutorial. Seeing as the Oculus Quest comes with the same Touch controllers and Guardian system, it would make sense to have the same experience and introduction on the Oculus Quest too.
Check out the intro tutorial below to get an idea of what ‘might’ come on the Oculus Quest when you boot it up and strap it on your head for the first time.
The Guardian system looks pretty intuitive to me. Players simply draw out the perimeter and this can be adjusted and resized accordingly. Setting the floor height is as simple as bending down and touching the floor with your Touch controllers.
The introduction looks great also. There is so much work that has gone into the presentation it makes sense to carry this experience over to the Oculus Quest also. Picking up blocks, throwing paper aeroplanes and batting ping-pong balls is a great way to get used to the Touch controller input.