Oculus Update 23.0 rolls out on Oculus Quest & Quest 2


Oculus has begun the rollout of its latest update version 23 onto the Quest and Quest 2 headsets. This update brings some exciting new and highly desirable features including the new fitness tracking in the new Oculus Move app, native 90Hz support on Quest 2 (for apps that will support it), improved sharper pixel density for Quest 1 users and easier casting options by casting to a compatible browser screen. In time for the Holiday season, Oculus has also enabled the ability to Gift content to other users.

Read on below for the full list of changes coming to version 23 of the update, which will roll out onto your headset over the coming days – just make sure your headset is in sleep mode and connected to Wi-Fi and a powered USB-C cable.

Oculus Move

  • From slashing boxes in Beat Saber to mowing down zombies in Arizona Sunshine, you can now keep track of the estimated calories you burn and how long you’ve been physically active across any app or game in VR with our new platform feature, Oculus Move
  • Oculus Move allows you to set daily goals and track progress based on estimated calories burned and time spent being physically active in VR.
  • Please note, Oculus Move is rolling out gradually starting next week, so some users may not see this feature right away. 

Quest 2 Frame Rate

  • With this release, Quest 2 headsets can now run natively at 90 Hz by default. This higher frame rate has been shown to provide a smoother visual experience and improve your time spent in VR overall.
    • To start, system level software will run at 90 Hz. Additional app adoption is based on developer discretion. Developers will have full-access to this feature as part of the upcoming SDK release.

Voice Commands

  • You can now access your Voice Activity in your headset. This means that you’ll be able to view, hear and delete your voice interactions while you’re still in-VR. To manage your voice activity:
    • Put on your Quest or Quest 2 headset, then select Settings > Voice Commands > Activity Log
  • You’ll still be able to access your Voice Activity from your mobile app or from the Oculus website as well. 

Voice Dictation

  • Automatic punctuation: No more saying ‘comma’ or ‘period’ when you want to add punctuation to your dictation. In this release we’ve added automatic punctuation and capitalization to Voice Dictation, making it easier and more efficient to type with your voice. 
    • As you speak, dictation will automatically fill in periods, commas, question marks and capitalization. Afterwards, you can give us a thumbs up or thumbs down to provide feedback on your experience. 
      • Note: This experience will gradually roll out to English speaking users in the US & Canada.
  • Dictation from the Search bar: Voice Dictation will now be conveniently integrated within the Oculus search bar. Instead of triggering dictation from the keyboard, you can now quickly find it in the Search bar where your query will auto-submit so you can get your search result within seconds. 
    • Note: This experience will gradually roll out to English speaking users in the US & Canada.

Voice Commands, Voice Dictation & Predictive Text availability

  • All three features will now be available to English speaking users in Canada. 
    • Please note these features will be rolled out to English speaking users in Canada gradually over time.


  • To help improve the readability of text in-VR, you now have the option to adjust the font size for text that appears in your headset. To do this, select Settings > Device > Text Size. 

Mobile App

  • We’ve updated the Oculus mobile app to allow you to seamlessly launch app content the next time you put on your headset. This means that the next time you see a challenge you want to join or an event you want to attend in the mobile app, you can save it and have it show up in your headset. 
    • Please note this feature is currently an experiment and may not be available to all users at this time. 


  • We’ve made software enhancements to both Quest and Quest 2 to reduce latency and improve your in-VR experience.

In-VR Experience 

  • To help keep you comfortable from anywhere in VR, you can now grab and move both the keyboard and menu bar to a more optimal position for your situation.
  • With this release we’ve introduced the ability to complete additional tasks from within an app without having to return to your Home. This means that sending friend requests, sharing media, making in-app purchases and more can be completed without leaving your current app or experience. 
    • Please note, this feature is dependent on developers implementing Focus Awareness and updating their SDK to v23. 
  • We’ve also rolled out the new universal menu bar to all first-generation Quest headsets.


  • We know it can be overwhelming for new users to enter VR for the first time, so we’ve created some new features to help. These include:
    • Getting to Know your Quest: A series of mini tutorial experiences to introduce you to the basics of VR. 
    • Progress bar: See which tutorials you’ve completed and what you can do next. 
    • Achievements: Just like your favorite apps and games, get achievements for completing tutorials and leveling up the time you spend in-VR. 
      • Please note that these features are part of an experiment and may not be available to all users at this time. 


  • You can now seamlessly upload and download files to and from your headset via Browser. Upload a video to YouTube, download photos from Dropbox, or share files via Google Docs, all without ever having to leave VR.

Bug Reporting

  • We’ve introduced the ability for you to let us know when something isn’t working by reporting a bug. Bug reporting helps us recognize issues and make adjustments to improve your overall in-VR experience.
    • To report a bug, select Settings > About Report a Bug or visit Quick Actions and select the Bug Reporter Icon.
    • Please note, the Bug Reporter is rolling out gradually, so some users may not see this feature right away.
    • Also please note, Oculus Support does not respond to bug submissions. If you need assistance, please contact our support team directly.

Quest apps on Quest 2

  • If you had a Quest headset and upgrade to a Quest 2, you’ll now have the option to automatically download your previously downloaded apps from your Quest when you finish setting up your Quest 2. 
    • Note: You can always re-download apps associated with your account on a new device, this specific update streamlines the process by surfacing the option to download multiple apps at the end of your Quest 2 setup. 

Quest Display 

  • We’ve improved the Pixel density for Quest, leading to improved image resolution. 
    • This enhancement is for the first-generation Oculus Quest only.


  • Sharing what’s happening in your headset just got even easier with web casting. With this update, we’ve enabled casting to oculus.com/casting on a desktop web browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge
  • When casting to the Oculus App on iOS and Android, you can now record what’s being cast directly on the phone where it will save to the device’s camera roll. 


  • We’ve made improvements to Guardian to reduce unintended drift or positional movement.
  • We’ve fixed a bug that caused some larger apps to fail to download. 
  • We’ve fixed a bug that caused some headsets to go into sleep mode while actively watching video in media apps.
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