The shortest month of the year has passed us by but that didn’t stop Oculus and its developers providing us with great feature updates and content for the Oculus Quest.
To kick off February, Oculus begun the rollout of update v25 on Quest. This update brought Facebook Messenger to Quest, allowing you to reach out, send game and party invites, and communicate with Facebook friends within the headset.
Also in the update was App Lab, a ‘work in progress’ platform of Quest apps and games from developers yet to find their creations on the official Oculus Store. Taking a leaf from SideQuest, App Lab is a much easier way to get titles that have not yet made it on the Store onto your Quest without plugging it into a desktop or creating a developer account to side load them onto your Quest.

Later in the month we also saw a micro update added to the Quest that brought Multi User support and App Sharing to the Quest platform, allowing multiple Facebook accounts to create a profile on a single headset, whilst also sharing its content between these accounts. Multi headset app sharing is less as easy, being app specific, whilst admin accounts require to be logged in on the second headset, sharing the app to the primary headset instead.
Before we could enjoy what v25 offered on Quest, update v26 soon rolled out at the end of the month with the addition of couch chair support in the Guardian, which allow us to add the position and length of our sofas in our VR space, to make it easier to rest during your heavy session of Beat Saber.
Another addition to update v26 is the support for waking the virtual assistant on your Quest headset. Saying ‘Hey Facebook‘ will wake the assistant and allow you to issue certain Quest voice commands, such as taking a screenshot or load up an app from your library. Before you would have to press the home button to invoke the assistant but now you can go totally hands-free with this new wake word.

Virtual Desktop with game support is now supported in the Oculus Store version. Before you had to patch the store version with the release on SideQuest, but as of last week, the game supported version of the app has been allow by Oculus onto their official store, so no need for side loading and patching the game. This is great news for wireless PCVR gaming!
If you are a glasses wearer, you can now get an official accessory from Oculus for prescription lens inserts for your Quest 2. This isn’t something new, as many third-party makers have released lens inserts, such as the Elygo lens inserts we reviewed here.
VR Cover continued to release more accessories and colours for their existing line-up of products. You can check out our reviews of their accessories for Quest on our YouTube channel. They also released an alternative soft strap for the Quest 2, so look out for our VR Cover reviews on our channel soon.
A little mention of our YouTube Channel. We managed to smash into 1300 subscribers at the end of the Month. I continue to appreciate all the great questions and comments that you have sent in on the Channel. In I hope to continue to bring fresh new accessories and gameplay content to the channel. If you’ve not yet subscribed, please do, as it will really help the Channel grow stronger and give me the opportunity to bring you more unique VR content.
Quest Game Releases in February
In February we saw a number of decent game releases and game updates arrive on Quest. The Walking Dead Saints & Sinners saw an update release with the addition of its Trial mode, which allows you to fight against waves of oncoming zombies.
Gorn received an update for its gladiator-based combat title, bringing visual upgrade and 90Hz mode for Quest 2 players. Developers of Pavlov Shack also shared an upcoming update to its popular multiplayer VR combat shooter, with news visuals to its world and also weapons.
The ever popular, Population: One also released its first season update on Quest. This update brings a huge number of improvements, weapons, maps and the like to this must-play multiplayer shooter.
February’s games releases wasn’t as good as the updates that releases for games already released on the store. Notable releases include multi-player shooter Hyper Dash and action adventure title Vanishing Grace. Crashland is ok if you like Sci-Fi and spiders and Counter Fight is worth looking at if you’re missing that Diner Dash vibe in VR.

Top 20 Top-Selling
So let’s look at this week’s top 20 chart positions on the Oculus Quest Store.

- Beat Saber (1)
- Virtual Desktop (8)
- Onward (4)
- GORN (2)
- The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners (7)
- Vader Immortal: Episode I (6)
- The Trill of the Fight (11)
- Job Simulator (10)
- The Climb (Re-Entry)
- Eleven Table Tennis (12)
- Richie’s Plank Experience (13)
- Drunkn Bar Fight (Re-Entry)
- Vader Immortal: Episode III (18)
- Hyper Dash (New Entry)
- Vader Immortal: Episode II (16)
- Moss (Re-Entry)
- Arizona Sunshine (9)
- FitXR (Re-Entry)
The number in the (bracket) is the game’s position in the previous month.
Tune in at the end of next month as we look at the movers and shakers of the Oculus Store Top-Selling.